Custom Playground Posters and Signs
Have you seen one of our posters at your local playground or School?
Do you want your own custom poster designed for you?
Bilby Publishing offers a customisable playground sign
Standard package
- Poster size 1m X 1 m (digital file includes bleed and space for screw mounting around border)
- Signs Included (25) :
Row 1: You, Want, Play, Help, Finish
Row 2: Please, Thank you, Happy, Sad, Stop
Row 3: Toilet, Hurt, Walk, Run, Bell
Row 4: Turn, Chase, Climb, Friend, Safe
Row 5: Kind, Sorry, Alright, Drink, Eat
- Your Logo
- Your title (within size constraints, can be in Auslan Font)
- Your color theme (BKG + sign boxes)
Want something completely new ?
We can do that to, just contact us to discuss your needs.
Posters you may seen out and about
Bathurst Adventure Playground
BCFN believe it’s important that all voices are heard in our community, so we led an initiative to install child-friendly signs that help children and adults to communicate their needs through play related non-verbal communication and Auslan. The signs are installed in the Adventure Playground and Macquarie River Bicentennial (Peace) Park and were unveiled on 7th September 2017. They empower children, and the whole community, to learn, use and share Auslan to convey their wishes, make choices and communicate their needs. The project was made possible with a FundAbility grant for the purchase of the signs and frames and was supported by Bathurst Regional Council by providing the posts and installing the signs. FundAbility is brought to you by Northcott and funded by the NSW Department of Family and Community Services.
Brisbane City Council Playgrounds
17 Playgrounds had these posters installed as part of the Department of communities inclusive playgrounds project
Read more about White Hill reserve