School with James DVD ON SALE TIL SOLD OUT

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This DVD produced by James Kerwin, a Deaf man, actor, writer and teacher. James is a qualified and registered school teacher. James lives in Toowoomba, Queensland.

It is a unique teaching tool that discusses eight curriculum areas from the Australian Curriculum from Foundation Year to Year Ten in Auslan for Deaf / Auslan dependent students.

The eight curriculum areas are:

  • The Arts
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Technologies
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Languages

The DVD begins with one main general introduction and welcome. This explains what the content is about. Then in each curriculum area, James presents a brief introduction of that subject and is followed by two mini-lessons of that subject.

This DVD is a meant as a guide, not a literal description of the Australian Curriculum. James has explained a disclaimer in the general introduction about this.

´School with James´ is a DVD aimed for Deaf students of all ages, who already are familiar with Auslan. It is not an Auslan teaching tool as such, however in the languages section, James provides mini-lessons on how to teach Auslan as a LOTE subject. James draws from across all the Year levels but tries to aim for around the Year Five level, so that both younger and older Year level students can benefit from these lessons.

This DVD would also be beneficial to parents and educators of the Deaf and they can gain inspiration on how to deliver lessons using Auslan and use of visual aids.

This DVD is presented in Auslan and is captioned. There is no voice over.

Title School with James DVD
On James Desk
Australian Curriculum Overview in Auslan
Weight 65 grams
Dimensions 193x136x15mm
Author Marie Kerwin Productions

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